Following is the material from the last lecture of the course held by professor Giorgio Pineschi (Sogesid) which covers the management of the hydrogeological risks.
The lecture was held on the 1st of February 2018.
Following is the material from the last lecture of the course held by professor Giorgio Pineschi (Sogesid) which covers the management of the hydrogeological risks.
The lecture was held on the 1st of February 2018.
Following is the material from the lecture held by Professor Liliana Cortellini (Sogesid) which gives a comprehensive overview on water reuse supported by specific cases in Italy and Europe, with a focus on risks reduction.
This lecture was held on the 1st of February 2018.
Following is the material from the lecture held by doctor Paolo Carta (Utilitalia) which covers the regulations and regulators of the Italian water sector. The lecture also focuses on fundamental aspects of the rate policies applied.
This lecture was held on the 31st of January 2018.
Following is the material from the lecture held by Professor Renato Drusiani (Utilitalia) which covers the management of water plants and networks. The material covers both drinking and treatment water plants focusing also on related topics such as automation and desalinization.
This lecture was held on the 31st of January 2018.
Following is the material from the lecture held by doctress Antonella Nostro which covers the projects and work of the society she was representing, Lotti Engeneering.
This lecture was held on the 29th of January.
Following is the material from the lecture held by doctress Laura Teodonno and doctor Angelo Socal (Utilitalia) which covers the security management of critical infrastructures with a focus on risk assessment.
This lecture was held on the 26th of January 2018.
Following is the material from the lecture held by Professor Giorgio Pineschi (Sogesid) which covers principles and tools that guide the governance of the water sector in Italy. The material also presents the status assessment of the Italian surface and groundwater as well as the water technology state of the art in the country.
This lecture was held on the 26th of January 2018.
Following is the material from the lecture held by professor Renato Drusiani (Utilitalia) which covers the security management of water services. The material focuses on detection and response to external aggressions as well.
This lecture was held on the 25th of January 2018.